Refund Policy

OTC Sports Refund and Withdrawal Policy

Pre-Event Withdrawal Policy:

A.) Confirmed Team Withdrawal: If a team that is confirmed (i.e., marked confirmed or paid in full) withdraws from a scheduled event after the event is sold out or less than 7 days prior to the event’s start, the team will forfeit their entry fee. If the full entry fee was not paid online, the team must pay the full amount before participating in any future OTC Sports events.

B.) Withdrawal Post-Pool Play Schedule Publication: If a team withdraws after the pool play schedules have been published, they will be required to pay the full entry fee and incur a $300 fine. The fine and payment in full must be settled immediately. Failure to pay will result in the team's suspension from participating in any events, and notification of this suspension will be sent to other tournament associations until payment is made.

C.) Impact on Age Division: If a late withdrawal from a team results in the cancellation of an entire age division, the team (at the discretion of the director) may be responsible for compensating all lost revenue associated with the event. This includes, but is not limited to, lost umpire wages, park rental, gate fees, potential merchandise sales, and credits to teams who missed the opportunity to participate due to the withdrawal.

D.) Schedule and Format Changes: Teams entering an event understand that OTC Sports may need to alter the format or guaranteed games due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, changes in event locations may occur for reasons beyond our control. Teams agree to comply with any schedule changes made by OTC Sports if such changes are beyond our control.

For any questions or clarifications, please contact our admin team.